Pizza Party!
The kids have worked hard this season. Now it is time to let loose and party down. Join us this Sunday as we celebrate a job well done at the second happiest place on earth. Chuck E. Cheese!
The kids have worked hard this season. Now it is time to let loose and party down. Join us this Sunday as we celebrate a job well done at the second happiest place on earth. Chuck E. Cheese!
The Xcell SDA Church has an outreach program that has been serving the community of Riverside for years. Every fourth Saturday of the month Xcell members distribute food, clothing, furniture, and words of encouragement to the homeless and low-income members of this community. We were so inspired by their commitment and generosity that we decided to join their efforts. We will be collecting clothing donations at every practice for the next Xcell outreach session taking place on April 28nd. Please make sure your clothing donations are clean and in good condition, all undergarments must be new. For more information on the Xcell SDA Church or to view all of the photos from the event please visit the links below.
Many of our soccer kids belong to the Whittier Pathfinder Club. We are asking for your support at an upcoming fundraiser at Soup Plantation this Sunday the 6th. Go and have a meal and you will automatically be helping out the kids. Please see attached flyer and if you are interested in receiving more information about the Pathfinders please send an email to info@Cproject.org
We are having a potluck this Thursday the 27th at 6pm to celebrate all the October birthdays. Please bring your favorite desert or dish.
The summer sun has been cooking us up every gameday. Michael Hernandez is inviting YOU to come and cool off at his pool party to celebrate his 8th b-day. We hope to see YOU there! El sol del verano nos ha estado cocinando cada día del partido. Michael Hernández está invitando a todos a venir y refrescarse en su fiesta en la piscina para celebrar su octavo b-day!. ¡Esperamos verte ahí!
UPDATE: Our holiday potluck has been cancelled due to an uncertain weather forecast. Please stay tuned for rescheduling information. Sunday games are to continue as planned. CAMBIO DE PLAN: Nuestro convivo de Navidad está cancelado. Vamos ha subir la nueva fecha muy pronto. Disculpe por la inconveniencia. Los partidos este Domingo permanecen igual.
Please join us for our Holiday Potluck! Let's all come together and celebrate this special time of year as a soccer family. There will be food, games, and prizes. You can find more information on the flyer attached. Please invite your friends and family and we can't wait to see you there!
Join us for this memorable event as we march down Greenleaf Boulevard in this year's Whittier Christmas Parade! The kids will have a great time as they experience the sites and sounds of this festive event. We will be meeting on the corner of Comstock Avenue and Bailey Street in Whittier at 8:30am. Please arrive early as there will be limited parking. We will be providing pastries for all participants. Questions? Call Richard at (562)322-7425.--- Los invitamos este Sabado 12/12/15 a participar en el desfile de Whittier Uptown de Navidad! Los ninos disfrutaran de las vistas y el apoyo de la comunidad en este evento espetacular. Nos vamos a reunir en la esquina de Comstock Avenue y Bailey Street en la cuidad de Whittier a las 8:30am. Por favor lleguen temprano para encontrar su lugar de estacionamento. Vamos a tener pan dulce para todos! Pregunatas? Llame a Richard (562)322-7425.
Our Annual Pool Party is just a week away. Make sure you join in on the fun. It is a potluck so please bring your favorite dish!
Nuestra fiesta de piscina ya esta serca. Ay que llegar y disfrutar de este calor! Es potluck so por favor lleven su plato favorito!
Our annual picture day is around the corner. On this special day we have the opportunity to take home a memory of this year that will last a lifetime. Please arrive at 9:00am sharp. Regardless if you are purchasing pictures or not we still need all players to be at the shoot for the team picture. We have really affordable pricing this year. Pricing information is available below.
Are you tired of starting the new year with empty resolutions? Why not start this year off different and reach out and help someone in need? Come and join the Pico Rivera SDA church as they take aid to those in need on the streets of Skid Row. We are collecting donations of clothing, personal hygiene supplies, and food. All donations must be individually packaged and ready to distribute. Examples of what you can give are: 1. Large zip lock bag containing tooth brush, deodorant, baby wipes, and hand sanitizer. 2. Duffle bag containing socks, wool knit cap, thermal long sleeve shirt, and gloves. Any and all donations of any size are greatly appreciated. If you wish to see where your items will go you can join us at the Pico Rivera SDA Church for a caravan trip to distribute these precious supplies. The event will take place this Saturday January 10th meeting at 2:30pm. If you wish to donate and are unable to attend please bring your gifts to Alex, Richard, or Lewston. Let's get this year kicked off right and help our fellow brothers and sisters receive a small sample of the blessings we enjoy. INFO: Alex (562) 484-8115, Richard (562) 879-2011, Lewston (562) 714-6367 or simply click on the "Contact" button at the bottom of our "Schedule and Contacts" tab to send us any question or comment via e-mail.
Winter is in the air and Christmas spirit is everywhere. Come and join some of your Pony's and Pee-Wee's for a holiday spectacular! ANGELS AWARE is the musical hit that is sweeping all of Whittier. Bring the family or just bring yourself for a morning filled with live entertainment, beautiful music, and praise to The Lord most high.
That wonderful time of year is right around the corner. A time where we give praise for the new born King. A time to peek at our gifts while mom and dad are asleep. And a time of delicious foods and treats that we consume through the New Year. Well, in preparation for all of those mouth watering meals, I invite you to walk! Yes, let's all walk together down Greenleaf Avenue for the 61st Annual Uptown Whittier Christmas Parade. Come join us for an afternoon filled with fun, family, and team pride!
JUST ADDED- We will be having our team Christmas party the evening following the parade. It will take place at the home of Armando and Marlene Salas (5907 Morrill Ave. Whittier 90606). The party begins promptly at 5pm. See you there!